Saturday, July 18, 2009


There's something fulfilling about getting a man to shop, all the way from T-shirts, shirts, trousers, shoes and colgnes. Of course, its even better when you manage to come back home with two pairs of shoes. Well deserved though, for I who haven't shopped much in the last 6 months. By the end of it, I think I did a pretty good job getting someone a makeover. Not like he needed it much, but it was a great afternoon any way....or as I like to say it, our!day!of!fun! (Remember- Janice and Joey's day!of!fun!).

After many many days of crazy work hours, I pulled out an hour of intense yoga. Have I ever told you what a difference yoga made to my life? Its definitely the best thing I've done all year....and I've never loved myself as much as I do now.

After many many days of crazy work hours, I blocked out the evening for mum and papa. The folks aren't particularly fond of fine dining, or music too loud, and this time they didn't want to go to the Golden Dragon (we've been going there for nearly 20 years...). So we decided to go to Potpourri in CP, more because I wanted to head out of the stiff upper lipped part of town. I'm quite bored of seeing pretty South Delhi women looking like clones of each other and men, all of whom keep their hair gelled up, and talk about boring holidays to the Maldives, or how they love their expat groups. I wanted to see real people. Like who I will eventually turn out to be like, after all the conflicting influences in my life make peace and reach a beautiful equilibrium. So, Potpourri. Papa had a Mutton ragout, while mum and I went for the salad and soup (and err dessert) buffet. We had a dinner full of to thank the universe for landing me in an awesome family.

I'm turning in now....listening to Summer Wine, by Bono and the Corrs. Pure awesomeness.

1 comment:

SGB said...

so you ended up with a check, check and check! good job!

I wore the black one to HP last night :). Its very nice - and no, I am not talking about the movie.

awesomeness rules!
