Saturday, January 19, 2013

Age of a Woman

Cold Sunday morning and John Lennon singing Stand by me.

2013 has started. We're a;ready 20 days in. I've said good bye to 2012 and I'm looking forward to a more active, alive and balanced 2013.

Peepu is in the Maldives this weekend for a work event. I chose not to go to avoid the travel. I'm surely missing out but I've had an incredibly productive weekend. And its only half over.

We're heading to Frankfurt and Tromso this month. If the reader prays, please pray we are able to meet the Aurora Borealis. I need to pack for these 12 days. How I always end up ion Europe in the winter! We're going to give our parents company this time :) And there's little else that brings more joy than being with family.

Nidhi, Puchu and I had a great evening, and one with only the ladies, after very long. Our conversations went from marriage, singlehood, travel, common friends, outfits, jobs and books. What balanced individuals one might think. Its one such conversation that led me to open this page and write. Growing up.

We are as a generation slow in growing up. At least the privileged city kids. When we were in school and college, we tried real hard to grow up fast. Wearing make-up early, drinking at 17, making relationships more intense than necessary, having sex early. And now, this same generation, is just refusing to take on life as 30 year olds. Too young to have children, conversations which can match any 24 year old's, occasional childish behavior, shock when someone actually chooses to stay home on 31st Dec, TV shows, the Wii. I was four when my mother was as old as I am today. I don't feel strongly at all about 'marriagable age' but I'm not arguing with nature. I will be a less fit, less healthy mother. When I get to it.

This isn't intended at self-criticism. Its an observation on the generation.  I see people over the age of 30 announcing that they wore a dress today after months. As a generation, while we work hard and crave (and announce) the good life, we've also, more recently, made a big deal about not needing to working too hard. When we see someone working 16 hours a day, we're quick to make a judgment on how they are corporate slaves. We value ourselves just so much. I hear people telling me 'its just a job'. How I hate that mentality?! One spends at least 1/3rd of their week at work (me 2/3rd). I don't understand how one can be transactional and not passionate about it. And if you're mildly passionate, its not 'just a job'. Its a critical part of life, for which tradeoffs need to be made, just like for your family and friends.

Clearly, we are the generation in transition. My friends from the West seem to be more in sync with the order of nature than my desi mates. We aren't taking on new roles as readily.

May be we should re-read The Seven Ages of Man.  Except that stage four doesn't make any sense to me. And isn't that where I'm supposed to be now?

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