Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Announcing the 3rd big change.....

I have my own apartment!

Ok, so I share it with someone, but after over 2 years of living at home, I've moved out. Of course, I was more than happy living with the parents, who are awesome by the way. But I decided I need to learn to pay bills, clean my room, fold my own clothes, spend nights alone, share a glass of wine with myself, and hence, I did it.

The house: 3 bed rooms, beautiful, lots of natural light
The flatmate: Seems like fun so far. It helps that he's not desi, so my life's easier
The boyfriend: Now 12 kms closer
The job: Again, 12 kms closer

I gotta feeling, that this one's going to be awesome!


The White Phoenix said...

own apartement!!! Naaiice.
The best learning experience in life is to live on your own.

Have fun. And house-warming party kab hoying? Woof woof

Star People said...

House warming soon? aayega?

The White Phoenix said...

of course :P

Anonymous said...

wow! sounds groovy!

Put up pics of the new house :D

...and if the flat mate is dishy, his too ;)